NEWS ARF and RHD Guest Blog by Vicki Wade, Cultural Lead, National Heart Foundation, Australia. There are over 15.6 million people worldwide living with Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) and another 1.9 million with a history of Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) that have not...
SHORT FILMS RHD Action United to End Rheumatic Heart Disease Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) starts innocently enough, as a mere sore throat or an infected skin sore, but it escalates worryingly quickly. Carlisa, who suffers from RHD, says: “My legs started to...
SHORT FILMS TAKE HEART: Official Trailer Rheumatic Heart Disease, or RHD, is a largely invisible disease that threatens the lives of over 30 million children and young people around the world. Take Heart: The Quest to Rid the World of Rheumatic Heart Disease lifts the...
SHORT FILMS Closing the Gap on Rheumatic Heart Disease Whose problem is this to solve? To Close the Gap, health care will need to be delivered to at-risk children, adolescents and young people where and when they need it, social housing conditions will have to...
SHORT FILMS Rheumatic Fever Prevention in New Zealand Rheumatic Fever Prevention In New Zealand, the disease is largely confined to the upper North Island. The Indigenous Maori and Pacific Islander populations are predominantly affected. Together, this group...