SHORT FILMS Quest for the Holy Grail RHD Vaccine The so-called Holy Grail of RHD prevention – a Group A Strep vaccine. But this dream is proving difficult to realise. “It’s clearly a disease which is associated with social deprivation. I...
SHORT FILMS Strep: Group A Streptococcal Infection Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) is 100% preventable. Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) is caused by the Group A Streptococcus bacteria (or Strep germs). What is Strep: Group A Streptococcal Bacteria? “The strep bug is...
SHORT FILMS Broken Hearts – RHD Surgery “A sore throat in a child must not be neglected, must not be ignored. Because if it is caused by strep it could indeed lead to heart disease. If the child gets a penicillin injection it stops it, almost...
NEWS RECORDING – TAKE HEART ORIGINAL SCORE In an epic recording session Composer Adam Starr and Didgeridoo Virtuoso Mark Atkins have laid down an incredible original score for Take Heart: The Quest to Rid Australasia of Rheumatic Heart Disease. Mark traveled...
NEWS Maningrida Public Service Announcement On a recent filming trip to Darwin and the Tiwi Islands we worked closely with Dr Bo Remenyi of NT Cardiac and Alice Mitchell of the Menzies School of Health Research to create a public service announcement for the...