Filming for Take Heart documentary

Filming for Take Heart documentary

NEWS Filming for Take Heart documentary A behind the scenes perspective from Alice Mitchell, Indigenous Liaison for Take Heart Galvanising Australians into action around ARF is one aim of this documentary and educational package. It was great working with some of the...
Global Independent Film Awards

Global Independent Film Awards

NEWS Global Independent Film Awards Take Heart has been received a staggering 9 Awards in the Global Independent Film Awards which recognizes screenwriters and filmmakers for exceptional achievements in filmmaking.  It is such great recognition for this important...


NEWS ARF and RHD Guest Blog by Vicki Wade, Cultural Lead, National Heart Foundation, Australia. There are over 15.6 million people worldwide living with Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) and another 1.9 million with a history of Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) that have not...
Lifting the lid on a totally preventable disease

Lifting the lid on a totally preventable disease

MEDIA Lifting the lid on a totally preventable disease Bupa – Beat Magazine Our recent involvement in social impact documentaries shows that it’s no longer enough to just to raise awareness of an issue. You also have to provide the tools for change to help...