Take Heart Film narrated by Stan Grant
Take Heart RHD Film about the quest to rid Australasia of RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease

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Aspen Foundation BUPA



Henry Jones of Nine News Darwin reports on the Take Heart Top End Community Premiere on Tiwi Islands as part of the Grand Final Day celebrations.

 Nine News Darwin

A movie screening of a different kind has taken place on the Tiwi Islands aiming to raise awareness of the cause and risk of Rheumatic Heart Disease.

“We’re hoping that families here learn more about the disease and how they can prevent it by getting children with sore throats to clinics earlier and by getting children who need regular injections on time, every time,” said Mike Hill, Director of Take Heart: The Quest to Rid Australasia of Rheumatic Heart Disease.

The film follows the story of 4 Indigenous children suffering from RHD including 14 year-old Tiwi Islander Trenton, whose already had open heart surgery.

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Take Heart Presented By Aspen Foundation and Bupa
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